Peer Review #2

  Jeremy- You did very well in your paper, but there were a few main places that could use improvement. I would include a conclusion to wrap up your paper. In your main body paragraphs, you include many interesting points that have a lot of supporting details, but in one paragraph that I commented on … [Read more…]

Blog 9

The ideal relationship between art and science in my major is important. Lehrer said science needs the arts like the news, newspaper, and articles because it brings in new ideas that can improve our future in many different ways. “By heeding the wisdom of the arts, science can gain the kinds of new insights and … [Read more…]

Blog 8

Summary John Lehrer’s main point is to show how science needs the arts. John takes a long time to bring up this point. It was almost two pages into the essay that he started introducing how he believes that science needs art. He used the first two pages to talk about background on physics and … [Read more…]

Bog 7

Annotations: I believe that I improved in my annotations, but I feel like I annotate better when I have a goal put in front of me. I would prefer to have a prom or main focus to annotate towards.   Surrounding context: Yo-Yo Ma is a cellist and songwriter who attended the Juilliard School and … [Read more…]

Blog 6

Blog 6: I would say that our draft compare that we wrote what came to our mind no matter the order or topic. Our drafts were also similar because they are very messy, and each paragraph was very long and run on. I noticed that they did what I did, but I need to let … [Read more…]

Blog 5

In this peer review we were asked to focus on the global edits only. This was very hard for me because in the past I have focused on the local edits. I found myself wandering back to the local edits throughout the paper. It was frustrating at times because I was unable to focus on … [Read more…]

Blog 4:

Metaphors are used very commonly in today’s world, but most people do not notice them. They are in everyday conversations, on tv commercials, used when speaking about stocks, and on the radio. It is a way to communicate with all ages, but they also have the power to change the way someone looks at it. … [Read more…]

Blog #3

In this article, the author links mindset and attitude together. He refers to the military terms to show how a fight against a disease can be linked to words like “battle” and “fighter”. Depending on how the patient interpret these words it can determine their mindset. When the author uses military terminology, it can shape … [Read more…]

Blog #2

In the second reading of the essay I noticed small details that were important, but I did not see them the first time I was reading. The most important thing I noticed during my reading was the strong opinion that he had on this topic. I noticed on the top of the fifth page where … [Read more…]